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Alexander Technique: Arising from Quiet by Alexander Farkas £15.00

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Alexander Technique: Arising from Quiet by Alexander Farkas
ISBN: 978-1-9160728-0-0

While intended primarily for teachers and devoted students of the Alexander Technique, the specific focus on aspects of the performing arts may prove helpful to those in the fields of music, theatre and dance. The Technique is not so much an instructional code but rather a means of accessing the core of any activity and thereby allowing one to realise a fully lived experience. It is a living body of ideas that opens a path to endless discovery and the comforting ease that results from eliminating all excess effort.

I suppose the right thing happens at the right time and the course of a life can turn in an instant. At that early meeting with Patrick Macdonald, first generation Alexander teacher, my immediate thought was: “this is what I’ve been looking for only I didn’t know I was looking for it”. Alexander Farkas

Another book about the Alexander Technique must be justified by its creativity and originality. Alex Farkas’ writings achieve this demanding criteria. Written from a considerable practical experience by a sensitive artist and craftsman, this book delves into the depths of this unique and nourishing discipline.
Giora Pinkas (Alexander Technique Teacher and Head of Teacher Training, Berkeley, California)

The flow of energy, or chi, is a central element in Alex Farkas’ work and writings. This gives a very practical dimension to the sometimes elusive principles of inhibition and direction. It also establishes a very welcome bridge between the Alexander Technique and practices such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi. The Technique’s approach and procedures are extremely effective. Alex’s work clearly shows how compatible and synergistic they can be.
Andrea Corso (Alexander Technique and Qi Gong teacher)

The Alexander Technique principles that my teacher, Alex Farkas, has transmitted to me through his conscious presence and gentle touch have been life changing. This mutual receptivity has helped minimise my habitual goal setting and hurrying. I am delightfully returning to a natural lightness of being.
Diane-Ellen McCarron (Student) 