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Be In Balance £14.99

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Angela Bradshaw originally trained as a sonographer and radiographer, and enjoyed some years in this profession. However, a repetitive strain injury curtailed this career, and in seeking help for this she discovered the Alexander Technique. When she realised what a profound effect the technique could have on this type of injury, and also the broad scope of its applications, she decided to become a teacher herself. She now works with individuals and groups, using the Alexander Technique to help them learn how to use their bodies well. Angela lives with her husband, Keith, and their two daughters, Heather and Grace, in Woking, Surrey.

Some Amazon Reviews

A great introduction to the Alexander Technique
This is a deceptively simple and well illustrated book that explains what the Alexander technique is all about, as well as providing helpful tips to put it into practice. Angela's clinical backgrouind means that there is a good explanation of the anatomy involved and why it is all relevant, The writing is clear and easily understood, and I’ve earned myself some odd looks during a week’s commute by train when shifting and wriggling around to make sure I’m in a good position! On a recent walking holiday I tried to stay mindful of the recommentations around AT walking, such as keeping the 3 main foot contacts on the ground. 155km later and no back ache or knee pain - clearly it works! My next step is to find a local practitioner so I can start to really embed this - especially as I have a desk job and am certainly slumping by tthe end of the day.
By Ratbagon

Energising and Easy To Capture
I have been a teacher for 35 years, so I first approached this book with dread, having come across so many boring and arcane explanations of the Technique, that I gave up reading them long ago - but I was pleasantly surprised. First, I actually read it. A-Mazing. Next - it was easy to digest. Angela has a bubbly, infectious way to catch your attention and propel you on. For the doers it has a rich variety of practical advice and activities. Just as I was thinking this is maybe getting a little too light, Angela pulled another rabbit out of the hat and surprised me with her deep psychological reading of workplace stress. This is a woman who has been there, who is writing from an empathetic and practical point of view. Her message deepened seriously, without taking away from her easy reading style. This lead into a final few chapters which were pure psychology and emotion, dammit even spiritual. How did she get to that? The reader doesn't notice, but Angela manages to capture the extraordinary breadth of the work, without ever getting too pretentious or spacy. As she often advised the reader: "She stayed plugged in." Great work, and recommended read for the beginner who wants an easy time, without sacrificing depth, and something they can practise before getting lessons. By Jeremy Chance 